Category Archives: Personal

This is what photography is best at…remembering. Here’s my year in review, a chance to reflect on the journey, rather than the destination. It’s interesting to look back on things that have changed, stayed the same, knowledge grown, friendships fostered and lives well loved. Queenstown, New Zealand opened my eyes to incredible beauty and nostalgic…

A foray into beauty and the depths within. We embarked on a little project with no name. Something about discovering the darkness behind beauty. The depth of emotion under surface. I can’t really remember the reasoning so well now, only that it sounded great after we’d been drinking espresso martinis all night. We wanted to…

Autumn travel photography in Queenstown, New Zealand by Cassie Sullivan. I leaned on the glass of the window, gazing at the mountains throwing shadows over the lake. They had such calm, such pride. I felt at home here, drawn to this overwhelmingly beautiful island. A place where little ones still play barefoot with sticks and…