Tag Archives: Photography with Cassie

A glorious Bruny Island wedding featuring Shalissa and Josh, thank you Tasmania. I feel so lucky to get to photograph in magical places like this Bruny Island wedding. Bruny has a pretty special place in my heart, there’s just something magical about the land and the buzz you get from being a part of it….

When genuinely creative and ridiculously nice people get together to collaborate, this is what happens: [audioplayer file=”https://app.box.com/shared/static/a8ixaj23sap03753skv9tp35h4mma8we.mp3″] Music: Cat Power – The Greatest Jewellery: Melly Frank Jewellery Model: Skye Hamilton Flowers: Beautiful Flowers Make up: Sharkra Medispa Hair: Zana Johnson
These two lovers got hitched at The Billi in Broome. I find myself returning there for a few months every year. The people are an eclectic crew from all corners of the world, finding themselves drawn to the warmth, the small town feel and the intangible sense of calm. It has a history unlike any other…
Championing love! Today I entered the Pure Bride Industry Awards. Awards make my heart lurch a little, it’s always a daunting prospect, being judged and I often have multiple conversations in my head about whether I am skilled enough to enter them. This time, the voice that says “well you my as well try, you’ll…